Arthritis treatment

  • By: Zero Arthritis
  • Date: September 9, 2020
  • Time to read: 2 min.

Arthritis treatment

Treatment of arthritis is mainly symptomatic. It aims to slow down the progression of the disease and relieve the symptoms. The treatment allows you to maintain the mobility of your joints and keep them functioning.

There are many options for treating arthritis; they include medications, lifestyle changes, joint injection, and surgical intervention. Doctors recommend what treatment option is suitable for you depending on the severity of your symptoms, and the state of your joints.

In this article, we are talking about the available options for managing arthritis.

  • Medical treatment:
  1. Analgesics:

Pain is the main symptom of arthritis. Analgesic drugs help you relieve that pain, and improve the quality of your life. Here are the most recommended analgesics:

  • Acetaminophen: it’s better than other available options due to its minimal side effects.
  • Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs): these drugs are widely used to relieve arthritis pain. They are available in different forms such as tablets (naproxen and ibuprofen), topical skin creams, and patches. You should ask your doctor first before taking them, as these drugs are usually prescribed in long term course treatment.
  1. Corticosteroids:

They are effective in treating inflammatory arthritis. Corticosteroids have rapid action that reduces inflammation and pain so fast. Be careful! You can’t take these drugs without asking your doctor.


  1. Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs:

They are effective only in special forms of arthritis. DMARDs are long-acting drugs prescribed for treating rheumatic arthritis. Methotrexate is an example of them.


  1. Biologic Response Modifiers:

They are genetically engineered drugs that target various protein molecules involved with immune response. They are commonly prescribed with DMARDs. Examples include infliximab.

  • Surgical treatment:

It is the last solution for resistant cases and joint deformity. Surgical options include Arthroplasty, Arthrodesis, Osteotomy, and Joint replacement.

These surgeries have many side effects, that is why they are not preferred.

  • Home remedies and lifestyle changes:
  1. Diet:

Choose your foods carefully. Avoid eating high-carb and fatty meals. Getting weight makes you obese, and this increases the pressure applied to your joints which worsens your condition.

Choose the foods that can help you with arthritis such as fish, beans, vegetables, fruits, and olive oil.

  1. Exercise:

Doing simple exercises regularly is very helpful. It keeps your joints functioning and maintains a normal range of motion.

Yoga and massage help you get rid of stress and relax.

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